Stress Eating? Here’s How to Stop

During this quarantine period, many of us have noticed we’ve been putting on weight. Food is often used to comfort oneself, and if there’s anything we need during this time, it’s a way to relieve stress. You should know that stress eating is totally normal and everyone does it. But, if you want to make changes to the way you’re eating and avoid stress eating altogether, here’s your step by step guide how to.

1. Identify Stress Eating Triggers

The first step to stop stress eating is to identify when you eat junk food or overheat. You can track these patterns with a food journal and you’ll need to figure out the difference between physical hunger and emotional hunger.

2. Ask “Am I Hungry?”

Before you eat, think about if you’re emotionally or physically hungry. When you’re emotionally hungry, you’ll usually reach for junk food and you won’t feel satisfied until you’re uncomfortably full. Physical hunger is more gradual and it’s important to eat healthy foods to fulfill your nutritional needs.

3. Practice Stress Management

After you’ve identified your triggers, you may notice that stress leads to your unhealthy choices. Try identifying your source of stress and to find stress management techniques that work for you. These can include reaching out to a friend, practicing yoga, mindfulness breathing and meditation, exercise, or listening to music.

4. Eat Mindfully

With mindful eating, you become aware of the foods and drinks you’re consuming. Mindful eating is characterized by enjoying each bite, eating without distractions, and choosing healthy foods.