Stretches You Can Do in Traffic

Stuck in traffic? Use the time to try these stretches.
Photo by Andraz Lazic on Unsplash

If you live in a place where you have to spend a lot of time in a car or on a bus commuting to work, you know how hard traffic can be on your body. We’re just simply not meant to sit that much. So next time you find yourself stopped in gridlock with your back aching, here are some stretches you can do for relief.

Neck Stretches

From rolling out your neck gently from side to side to side and forward tilts with a bit of added pressure from the hand, the neck is a great muscle to stretch while in traffic as you can do it quickly and easily without having to pull over and it’s a part of your body that sees a lot of strain from driving.

Glute Stretch

This one you’ll have to be able to take your feet off the pedals for, so it’s probably best for a pit stop, but it’ll provide so much relief. Cross your foot over the opposite knee, creating a figure four with your legs. You should feel the stretch in the glute of your bent leg. To deepen the stretch, lean forward with a straight spine.