The 3 Best Fitness & Lifestyle Apps to Reach Your Goals

If 2020 is your year to lose weight, gain muscle, or exercise more consistently then start taking advantage of the amazing fitness apps on offer. There are so many on the market and each offers something great to fit into your fitness regime. The apps not only offer workouts, but they also provide you with the tools and information to reach your goals. Whether it is short workouts, activity tracking, or a gentle push in the right direction these are the best apps for you.


8Fit brings together on-demand workouts and meal planning. The app can create a personalized program for your workouts and diet based on the results you want. If you are someone who needs a lot of guidance and reminders this is for you. Choose a goal and be specific and you will be asked many questions to make sure they really create a program for your needs. You also receive videos and you can write down what you eat for every meal.


If you want to be motivated then Blogilates is the app for you. There is an app, blog, and YouTube channel bringing you tons of workouts on demands and loads of healthy food recipes. Cassey Ho is the woman behind this blog and she sends you lots of body positivity.


Forte is actually a website where you can stream live workout classes and join from anywhere. You can see and hear the instructor teaching a class, but no one can see you. You might need some equipment, but you will have the feeling of working out with a class when you just can’t get there.