However you prefer to work out, it’s important to have proper equipment in order to keep yourself from getting injured, and in many cases, this means wearing the right sneakers. Except for a few activities like swimming and yoga, sneakers are a very versatile piece of workout gear that can be worn for everything from CrossFit to Zumba, so it makes sense to choose a pair that you know you’ll be comfortable in and will hold up well over time.
You don’t have to spend a fortune—cost isn’t necessarily indicative of quality when it comes to sneakers. If you’re a serious gym-goer, however, you may find it worth investing in a more expensive pair. Here are some of our favorite sneakers at every price point.
Athletic Propulsion Labs Techloom Breeze – $220
These would definitely fall under the category of “splurge,” but they’re as popular as they are among athletes and celebrities for good reason. They’re incredibly lightweight and comfortable, yet provide the perfect amount of support for walking, running, biking, and more. All Techloom shoes are unisex, so be sure to double-check sizes before you order.
On Cloud X – $140
Still a bit of a splurge, but slightly less pricey, On’s Cloud X shoe is great for any type of workout but especially comfortable and supportive for running. They provide a nice amount of traction and are also quite durable, so you shouldn’t need to replace them as often as other running shoes.
Skechers GOrun Razor 3 – $50
For under $100, you can’t go wrong with any of the sneakers in the Skechers Go Run line, but we especially love the Razor 3. They’re lightweight and comfortable enough to wear all day long and are available in several fun colors for both men’s and women’s styles.