The Many Benefits Of Jumping Jacks

Jumping jacks
Photo by Rodrigo dos Reis on Unsplash

In this day and age, many people have become so consumed by fancy gadgets and advanced tech—and this mindset has trickled over for some into the world of fitness. Indeed, many gym-rats are obsessed with only the latest and greatest equipment available at the gym—but they don’t need to be. You can get so many benefits by merely doing jumping jacks, and here are a few reasons why.

Great Cardio

First off, jumping jacks are an excellent form of cardio. They get your heart rate up super quickly, which strengthens your heart and increases your lung capacity. Jumping jacks also burn calories very well, making them great for weight loss when combined with a nutritious diet. This will also increase your stamina and endurance over time.

Muscle Toning

While engaging in jumping jacks aren’t exactly on par with bench pressing large weights, it’s still great for keeping your muscles nice and toned. Your shoulders, legs, and overall core will all stand to benefit from doing jumping jacks on a frequent basis.

Enhanced Mood

Exercise in general is known to release endorphins, and jumping jacks are a great example that. Since endorphins are known as a feel good hormone, doing more jumping jacks will ensure that your mood is enhanced—which is also a good thing!