Do you dream of developing a powerful, round chest? Then bench press is your ideal workout. Here are some chest exercises that will help you improve your ability to do bench press and increase the weight you can lift as you chase your fitness goals.
Half-Kneeling Overhead Press
Bench press is about more than flinging a heavy barbell into the air. In order to perform this exercise correctly and get the full benefit, you’ll need balance and control. A half-kneeling overhead press can help you improve your core stability while strengthening your shoulders, thereby helping you overcome shoulder strains that impair your ability to do bench press.
Floor Press
Lie down flat on the floor and proceed to do a traditional chest press with dumbbells. In addition to keeping your shoulders safe, this variation of chest press helps to condition your chest and triceps, improving your ability to perform the “lockout” segment of your bench press.
Chest-Supported Incline Row
The pulling motion of this exercise helps to condition your back while strengthening your posterior chain. While you may not realize it, your lats play a major role in stabilizing your body during bench press. The moment you don’t have a solid posterior chain, you can cause excessive stress on your chest as you lift the barbell into the air during bench press.