These Ingredients Increase Your Hunger

Photo by Vicky Ng on Unsplash

It makes sense that if you’re hungry, you should eat something. Yet, the simplest solution isn’t always the best. Some foods can do the opposite of their job and actually make you hungrier. These are the ingredients to look out for and avoid.

Refined Flour

Sorry to say, but refined flour is not your friend. In order to have a longer storage life, the bran and germ are removed from the flour, leaving it without fiber and other nutrients. Eating a bagel or piece of white toast can give your sugar levels a boost, but then crash shortly after. Rather stick to whole wheat and low GI.

Refined Sugar

Eating sugar is a slippery path to go down… If you find that you can’t stop after one sweet treat or slice of cake, it’s because consuming sugar makes you crave more. Yes, it can make you feel full of energy but know that it will be short-lived. Refined sugar in high-fructose corn syrup can actually slow down the release of leptin which makes us feel full.

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

MSG makes food taste delicious but it’s not the best thing to turn to when you’re hungry. While the additive boosts the flavor in many foods, it also irritates your pancreas, making it release more insulin and resulting in hunger.