This is Why You Should Weight-lift Barefoot

Photo by Sven Mieke on Unsplash

With certain forms of exercise, like running or HIIT, the shoe you wear is crucial to preventing injuries. You may have heard people recommend flat-footed shoes for lifting weights, but did you know that some people are taking it a step further and going barefoot?? You might be asking why they would do that since shoes are meant to add support and balance. Well, it turns out that going barefoot while weightlifting might just be the way to go. Here’s why.

Better Mind-Body Connection

It’s clear how important it is to have a good mind-body or mind-muscle connection when lifting weights because it ensures that you are activating the right parts of your body. Having your feet firmly planted on the ground actually helps your mind-body connection because you have a better grip on the ground. Particularly for lower-body exercises, going barefoot can help with your stability and muscle activation!

Better Balance

Our shoes often have some sort of shape or incline in the sole, which exists to help support the feet as they move. During heavy weight lifting, however, your feet must be firmly planted on a flat surface. Going barefoot helps eliminate any imbalances from shoes, so you can completely focus on getting that weight in the air, rather than keeping your balance!