Top 4 Reasons to Try Battle Ropes

Battle ropes (or battling ropes) is an amazing cardio workout without the monotony we usually associate with gyms. If you still haven’t tried battle ropes, here’s a few good things that’ll convince you to do it.

Melts Fat

One of the main reasons why battle ropes are so popular among athletes and fitness lovers is that this workout is amazing for boosting metabolism and burning fat. Studies have shown that only 10 minutes of battle rope burns 112 calories.

Tones Muscles

One of the advantages of battle ropes is that you can train almost every muscle in your body, even the ones you usually leave out in your usual routine. It’s also possible to train different muscle groups, like shoulder and legs, at the same. This is great for people who like fast and efficient workouts.

Increases Mobility

Battle ropes are great for boosting mobility, which can be extremely important for athletes who want to excel in other sports such as running or basketball.

Have Fun

Chances are that you’ll be more motivated to go to the gym or go outside and work out if you know you’ll be having fun. Throwing, pulling and, in general, working out with the ropes is so much fun, and you’ll never be bored by doing the same exercises every single time.