Ways to Re-Center After an Intense Therapy Session

Photo by Kateryna Hliznitsova on Unsplash

Having experienced the last two and a half years that we have, therapy is more important than ever before. The same way that we would tend to a physical injury, checking in with a psychologist on a regular basis is how we ensure that our mental health is taken care of. 

Many difficult feelings and emotions can arise during a therapy session, particularly if traumas have been explored, and they don’t just turn off as soon as a session ends. So, what can you do to re-center yourself after an intense encounter?

Put Pen to Paper

It can often feel like thoughts are all jumbled in your brain after therapy, so get them out onto paper. This can help you make sense of what is going on in your head, and sometimes makes things feel less overwhelming. It’s also a way to note any important tips or insights from the session that you would like to remember.

Re-Position Your Body

Tough emotions can, quite literally, get stuck in the body, so move around. Take a walk (no matter how short), do some dancing, or yoga, as exercises such as these can raise your levels of serotonin. If you feel as though you need some “grounding”, try lying down on the floor or under a weighted blanket. 

Routine Ritual

Develop a ritual that you can practise after every single therapy session. It can be something like grabbing a cup of coffee from your favorite café, or lighting a candle at the beginning of a session and blowing it out at the end.