What Does Om Actually Mean?

You may have found yourself saying certain phrases while practicing yoga and meditation that you weren’t sure what they meant. Perhaps you knew that namaste means the light in me bows to the light in you and asana which means sitting position. But what does the term Om mean?

Yoga and meditation were created almost 5,000 years ago and it was rooted in Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, and South America before becoming part of Buddhist practices in India.

What Does Om Mean?

Om is one of the most powerful mantras in meditation practices and it can represent different meanings. One meaning is the absence of fear, anger, and desire. It can also represent a father, mother, or spiritual teacher. Another meaning is everything and everyone, which connects us to the universe.

How’s Om Used in Meditation and Yoga

Om can be used as part of a chanting or sound meditation to bring greater awareness to breathing and sound while meditating. Most meditations are opened or closed with Om and sometimes it’s followed by the chant “shanti, shanti, shanti” to connect you on a deeper level.

How Do You Pronounce Om?

Om is a three-part chant that starts with an ah sounds, then moves into an oh sound, and ends with an mmm humming sound that drifts off slowly. It shouldn’t be forced or timed and it’s up to you if you want to incorporate it into your meditation practice.