What Exercises are Best Before Bed?

Photo by Katee Lue on Unsplash

People have known for a long time that drinking warm milk or chamomile tea before bed can help you get a good night’s sleep. But the power of stretching exercises before bed has often been overlooked. Stretching and relaxing the muscles helps the body relax and get a full night of quality sleep. Here are three night time stretches that will help you get a good night’s sleep.

Child’s Pose

Kneel on your knees as you stretch your arms out before you. Lean forward with your arms straight outstretched in front of you until your stomach touches the floor. Hold this position for around five minutes. You will feel it stretch your arms, back, glutes and hips. It will soften your muscles for sleeping.

The Hug

Stand with both arms hugging your shoulder blades. Inhale deeply and gently push your shoulders forward. Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds and then release as you exhale. This harmonizes your breathing with your body movements.

Forward Toe Touch

Sit on the floor with your legs out in front of you. Lean forward and touch your toes, trying to keep your legs as straight as possible. This loosens tight muscles and relaxes you before bed.