What You Should Know Before Swimming for Exercise

Photo by Brian Matangelo on Unsplash

Even if you often like to go swimming for fun, starting to swim as a workout routine is a whole different beast. It’s not easy, but it is incredibly effective and rewarding. Thinking of trying it out? Here are some things you should know first.

It’s Going to Be Hard

If you think you’re a good swimmer, think again. Because swimming is very hard. Demanding and technical, swimming workouts are not nearly as intuitive as splashing around in the lake for fun. So get ready for a learning curve. And don’t give up if things are difficult right off the bat.

It’s All About Breathing

There’s pretty much no workout on earth that focuses on breathing as much as yoga other than swimming. Yep, you’ll have to really put focus and effort into learning how to breathe correctly while you’re in the water. Because holding your breath will make things much harder on you.

Get a Swim Cap

They might not look cool, but when you spend enough time in a pool, you need a swim cap to protect your hair from the chlorine, reduce drag, and stop your hair from getting all over the pool. In fact, many pools even require them.