When is it Okay to Eat Junk Food?

Birthday treats
Photo by Robert Anderson on Unsplash

We’ve all heard the saying, “You are what you eat”. Well, this isn’t too far from the truth. How often have you eaten some junk food, only to feel like junk afterward? How often has it affected your life negatively? We’re not saying to feel bad about yourself—on the contrary, there’s nothing wrong with eating sweets, as long as it’s in the right time and place. Here are some tips for knowing when that right time is.


Celebrating something is a great opportunity to get your junk food on. Whether it’s a wedding, a graduation, a bar mitzvah, you name it—it’s time to treat yourself to a good old-fashioned cheat day and eat something tasty.

The Actual Cheat Day

Then, of course, there’s the actual cheat day—the one that comes once a week. Sure, you can be like one of those over-achievers and have a cheat day once a month, but a weekday cheat day is totally fine as long as you don’t go too overboard. Something small should suffice, and you can totally be proud of yourself.

Fancy Desserts

Perhaps this can go in the “celebrations” category, but to be fair, there are times when we’re at a fancy dinner and it’s not necessarily a celebration. But in any case, considering the fact that fancy dinners don’t happen too often, it’s probably okay to eat a sweet dessert.