Why Morning is the Best Time of Day to Workout

Morning workout
Photo by Gabin Vallet on Unsplash

What time of day is best to work out is a hotly debated topic, and surely no time will work for everyone. Still, we were curious so we did a bit of research. According to most scientists, the best time of day to work out is in the morning, and for multiple reasons. Regardless, exercise is highly beneficial whatever time of day it’s done, so if you’re only able to fit it in later on, don’t sweat it. If you do work out in the morning, here are some of the benefits you can expect:

Increased Metabolism

When we wake up, our cortisol levels are highest, and cortisol plays a key role in our bodies’ metabolism of fat and carbohydrates. Some studies have shown that working out in the morning can keep our metabolism working more effectively all day long.

Increased Alertness

Exercise has been proven to reduce stress and increase productivity. Increased blood flow to the brain can help us to feel more calm and focused than we otherwise would, as oxygen is delivered to all of our bodies’ tissues. Increased alertness can be a great asset as we continue our days with school or work.

Better Mood

Another benefit of exercise we can experience any time of day is increased endorphins. Endorphins play a key role in stabilizing our mood and can help with feelings of happiness and wellbeing. What better way to start off the day than with a little endorphin boost?