2 Reasons You Shouldn’t Rush Recovery Before Going Back to Exercise

Man and woman on tennis court
Photo by Michael DeMoya on Unsplash

Getting injured stinks, no matter how you slice it. Going through the physical pain of it all is never fun, and possibly even worse is the recovery. Sometimes you’ll have to miss months upon months of physical activity due to an injury—but no matter how hard it gets, you shouldn’t feel compelled to return earlier than your body is ready. Here are two good reasons why.

Don’t Be a Hero

If you’re part of a basketball team, a bowling tournament, or any kind of athletic group setting, you may feel some kind of pressure to return sooner than later. Unfortunately, if your body isn’t ready for it, it’s probably the worst thing you could possibly do. Don’t be a hero. Your friends won’t be mad if you don’t show up, and if they are, are they really your friends?

You Could Do Some Serious Damage

This is the more obvious reason. You could literally damage yourself far worse than you were injured before if you return to working out sooner than you need to. You might think that you’re being extra macho for doing so, that nothing bothers you and only “sissies” follow the rules, but you’re actually the one who’ll lose out if you don’t allow your body time to heal properly.