3 Amazing Grains With High Protein Content

High protein grains
Photo by Ɓukasz Rawa on Unsplash

Many people are looking to increase the amount of protein in their diet, and if you’re among them, you’ll be happy to know that there are many different ways to do that. You don’t necessarily have to eat more meat or nuts; some other foods, like grains, have unexpectedly high protein content. These are our favorites.

Spelt Flour

Spelt flour is easy to use in many different baking recipes. It contains a lot of fiber, protein, and manganese, which is why we recommend using it instead of regular all-purpose flour. Spelt, as a whole grain, is much healthier for you than processed flours, and it’s absolutely worth investing some time in experimenting with the recipes that contain it.


This gluten-free grain comes packed with protein and fiber. It’s amazing for boosting gut health and it contains amino acids, which are especially important for vegetarians and vegans who don’t get enough of them from meat.


When you need a quick, protein-packed breakfast, simply cook buckwheat porridge or bake something delicious with this high-protein grain. It comes with many health benefits and it’s pretty easy to add to your everyday diet. It’s also gluten-free, in case you can’t tolerate gluten in food.