One of the reasons why many people fear kick-starting their fitness journey is the fear of getting judged. If the fear of judgment is stopping you from following your workout goals, our useful tips and tricks can help you leave it behind.
Mind Over Body
Your workouts should be good for your body, mind, and soul, but most people only focus on the first part. If you happen to be one of them, it’s time to stop putting pressure on yourself and focus on workouts that feel good. Once you stop putting judgment on yourself, it will be easier to let go of the feeling other people are doing the same.
Focus on Yourself
Many people feel anxious about going to the gym because they feel like other people are constantly observing and judging them. This usually isn’t the case because most people at the gym are too focused on themselves to pay attention to anyone else, and you should try doing the same.
Ignore Social Media
Social media can significantly shape our body image and contribute to the feeling we’re constantly being judged. If you feel it’s having a negative impact on the way you see yourself, it’s probably time to consider using it less and work on healthy mechanisms that will help you stop comparing yourself to others.