3 Best Ways to Stay Motivated for Working Out on Your Period

Staying active during that time of the month can help you combat period pain, lighten your flow, and improve your mood. Despite their many benefits, period workouts aren’t everyone’s cup of tea because it’s hard to summon to energy to hit the gym, so here are some strategies that can boost your motivation.

Do Something Fun

Working out during that time of the month is less about reaching your fitness goals, and more about feeling better. That’s why it’s a good idea to focus on fun and relaxing workout routines that will get you in a better mood, such as walking, hiking, yoga, dancing, and other low-intensity workouts.

Listen To Your Body

You’ll have more or less energy during certain phases of your cycle, and you should adjust your workouts accordingly. Listen to your body, and don’t put too much pressure on yourself to hit the gym when you’re hurting too much.

Perfect Timing

Rest days should be an essential part of your workout routine, and you should consider scheduling them during your periods. Instead of pushing yourself to hit the gym during the days when your cramps are most intense, feel free to take a rest day, focus on other hobbies that bring you joy, and gather the energy for working out tomorrow.