3 Healthy Food Trends We’re Looking Forward to in 2020

Our approach to nutrition is becoming more health-conscious as the years go by, and big brands are finally taking notice. Next year is bringing many amazing food trends along, and some of them will allow you to put new healthy foods on the menu.

Plant-Based Meats

Plant-based meats are not a new thing, but they’re going to experience a surge in popularity in 2020 and become even more accessible to the masses. Some of them are already available at major supermarkets and fast-food chains.

Alternative Flours

We turned to healthier alternatives to dairy milk and sugar over the years, and it’s time to do the same with white flour. Nutrient-dense flours, such as chickpea flour and almond flour, are going to become all the rage in the next few months.

Natural Nootropics

Compounds that help improve cognitive function, memory, creativity, and motivation aka nootropics come in the form of supplements, but we’ll turn to their natural alternatives in 2020 – including blueberries, salmon, broccoli, and seaweed.