3 of the Best Tricep Exercises

Working on your tricep muscles is just as important as every other part of your body. Triceps make up 60% of your upper arm and they really give your arms shape when toned. Your triceps are used in some of your upper body exercises, but you should be including focused tricep exercises in your workout program to build some strength. Strong triceps help you out with your upper body strength, improve your range of motion and flexibility, and they stabilize the other upper body muscles. Here are three tricep exercises to try.

Tricep Dips

You can do these on a bench, on a step, or even on the ground. Sit on the bench with your hands shoulder-width apart and straighten your legs out in front of you. Move your butt off the bench towards the floor whilst your arms do the controlling until your elbows are at 90 degrees. Push through your hands and straighten your elbows and bring your butt up to the height of the bench.

Seated Tricep Extension

Sit on a bench with one dumbbell between both hands held above your head. Slowly lower the weight behind your head by bending the elbows and keeping your upper arms still. Extend your arms to start position.

Tricep Kickbacks

Hold a dumbbell in each hand and stand with your knees bent, lean forward slightly, but keep your back straight. Start with your elbows bent and your forearms parallel with your thighs and your upper arms parallel with your back. Engaging the core and triceps straighten your arms at the elbow, taking the dumbbell up and back and keep the triceps in the same position. Squeeze and then return to start position.