3 Refreshing Morning Yoga Workouts from Yoga With Adriene

Image via adrienelouise/Instagram

Obviously, most of us (except for some very special people) aren’t really in the mood to exercise when we only just woke up. But luckily, there’s a comforting middle between doing a major morning workout and not moving your body at all. And that middle often comes in the shape of a mellow morning yoga session. Honestly, what better get your juices flowing towards the day ahead?

One of the nicest things about the Yoga with Adriene YouTube channel is that it offers workouts of various lengths and with pretty much every possible theme you could think of. So here are three morning yoga sessions (they’re short, promise!) that will help you start your day right.

Let’s start with the shortest one for the lazy folks! This one is only 5-minute long and is done mainly on all fours, combined with a few downward dogs.

Next, we have another short 11-minute practice, so you can still definitely make time for it before you go to work. Stretch it out with some vitalizing morning yoga postures.

Finally, if you’re looking for a slightly longer one (but just slightly), here’s another lovely workout by Adriene. This one is 15-minute long, and offers a little more posture-diversity than the previous two. From basic morning stretches to all the classic yoga poses like forward folds, half-way lifts, planks, warrior variations, downward dog, and even star pose.