3 Super-Easy Exercises For Slimmer Arms

Photo by Stephanie Moors on Unsplash

Getting slimmer arms may seem like a challenge at first, but this goal is actually pretty attainable if you choose the right routine. It’s everyone’s first instinct is to push themselves, but arm-slimming training can be pretty easy and fun if you add these three exercises to the mix.

Chest Press Pulse

In order to do this exercise, you need to put your palms together and keep your elbows at chest level. Once that’s done, you’re required to move your arms up and down, while keeping your hands in the staring possession. In addition to helping you get slimmer arms, this exercise is also great for your shoulders.

Arm Circles

Arm circles are probably the easiest exercise on the market, and all the instructions you need are in the name. Making circular motions with your hands doesn’t require any special skills, and you can do it while watching your TV show or listening to music. Add small dumbbells to the mix if you want to make it more challenging.

Arm Raises

Once again – the name says it all, but this exercise comes with many variations. You can choose between doing overhead or side arm raises, but most people opt for using dumbbells during this exercise and raising both arms in front of them to shoulder height.