Okay, so you’ve vowed to move your body every day, but today you just don’t have the energy. We get it. Some days take everything out of you, but you still deserve to give that body of yours some love. There are so many ways to move your body when you’re tired that won’t even have you breaking a sweat.
Gentle Yoga
Gentle yoga is great because it still has your body moving, but at a slower pace. It also will mostly consist of gentle stretches and maybe even some breathing exercises. No matter what it has you doing, your body and mind will thank you for showing up and giving it some love.
Flexibility Stretches
Flexibility is a huge part of any fitness routine, but we are often too focused on the strength training or cardio routines to really pay it any attention. A lazy day is the perfect time to get those stretches in!
Go For a Walk
If you have even a little energy, a great way to move your body is by taking a short walk. Even if it’s only 10 minutes around your neighborhood, the fresh air and body movement will make you feel great. So put on some walking shoes and great tunes and get out there!