3 Ways to Stay in Shape in An Expensive City

If you live in an expensive city, one expense you may not be able to afford is a gym membership. If staying fit is important to you, there are ways besides for going to the gym to be active and they won’t break the bank. Here are three ways to get a workout in an expensive city without stepping foot inside a gym.

Work Out Outside

Enjoy the fresh air and try working out outside! If you’re having trouble getting into running, join a running group or you could always do some bodyweight exercises at a park or playground.

At-Home Workout

During the pandemic, we’ve gotten used to working out at home. All you need is a yoga mat, some resistance bands, and free weights. Just turn on a YouTube workout video and you’re all set to start exercising.

Find a Digital Trainer

If you’re new to working out, turn to YouTube, Pinterest, and apps to find at-home workouts. There are tons of trainers online that have free videos and apps are a great way to get a ton of exercises for little costs.