4 Signs of Overtraining to Look Out For

Photo by Bruno Nascimento on Unsplash

Despite the fact that working out on a regular basis is great for our mental and physical health, pushing yourself too hard can actually be counterproductive and take a toll on our health. It’s very important to take rest days and give your body time to recover and rest, so here are a few common signs of overtraining that you should look out for.

Decreased Performance

Poor performance, decreased strength and endurance are the most common symptoms of overtraining and signs that you should give your body some rest.


People who don’t give their body a chance to fully recover from exercise can often experience extreme fatigue. While it’s normal to feel tired after working out sometimes, chronic fatigue is a persistent feeling of exhaustion that is present even while performing simple everyday activities and it definitely shouldn’t be ignored.

Chronic Injuries

Overtraining can cause tiredness and fatigue, but it can also take a toll on your body and lead to serious injuries. In case you’re constantly in pain or you often get sick and injured, this is a sign that it’s time for a break.


It’s a well-known fact that physical activity is great for improving sleep, but too much exercise can actually be counterproductive and lead to excess stress and insomnia.