5 Advantages of Exercising with Your Own Bodyweight

Many people think that the most effective way to build muscle strength is to use gym machines. While they can be effective, bodyweight exercises are perhaps a superior way to develop your fitness and build up muscle strength. Here are five reasons why.


A good advantage of bodyweight exercises is that you don’t have to pay for gym equipment. All you need is a healthy body and the willingness to work out.

Whole Body Workout

While gym equipment tends to target specific parts of the body, bodyweight exercises engage muscles from all over the body.

Strong Core

As you hold yourself in position, you have to use your foundational core muscles to hold yourself up. These include the abs, back, and shoulders.

Improves Agility

In contrast to gym equipment where you are generally sitting or standing in stiff positions, bodyweight exercises improve your all-round agility and fitness. This can be especially useful at priming your body for sports or acrobatics.


Enhances Balance

As you hold the positions your balance improves at the same time that the joints and ligaments strengthen. This also helps build up your agility and flexibility, transforming you into a superior sportsperson.