5 Health Benefits of Swimming in the Sea

It’s been known for millennia that swimming in the sea can have a rejuvenating and healing effect. But why exactly is seawater swimming so good for your health? Here are five health benefits you can expect from swimming in the sea. But make sure you swim in safe allocated locations when the water is not too cold to ensure optimum results.

All Body Workout

Sea water swimming is a good way to work out every muscle in your body. Since the waves are usually bigger than in swimming pools, you have to work harder against the current. This is particularly good for core strength.

Good For Circulation

The cold sea water is excellent for getting the blood pumping fluently around the whole body. The cool temperature opens up the veins and capillaries allowing rich, oxygenated blood to flow to each muscle.

Good for the Skin

The salt water is good for making skin healthy and breathable. It cleans the skin, helps repair any damage, and opens up the pours.

Aids Breathing

Not only is the salty sea air good for the chest, but sea water swimming also helps train you to breath deeply and regularly.

Improves Mental Health

Swimming in the sea water can provide a wonderful sense of excitement and peace at being at one with nature. This can boost your endorphin levels and helps you feel connected to your environment.