5 Signs You Need to Change Your Relationship With Food

To lose weight healthily, you have to start by eating well. But, if you’re struggling with your body image or trying to get over a weight-loss plateau, it’s easy to develop bad eating habits. Although these signs are difficult to spot, these are the things that will tell you it’s time to change your relationship with food.

You Can’t Keep Your Eyes on Your Own Plate

It’s normal to be curious about what other people are eating, but it could mean you’re looking for others to determine what you should be eating. The problem with this is everyone has different dietary needs and you have no idea what they’re consuming the rest of the day.

You Live For Cheat Days

If you’re restricting your food all week and you can’t stop thinking about what you’ll eat on your cheat day, you’re setting yourself up to be disappointed and a cheat day can turn into a cheat weekend or week.


You Eat to Cope With Emotions

Do you find yourself saying, “I deserve this,” or “I need this,” before binging on unhealthy foods or alcohol? If so, you’re probably attaching your food to stress relief and comfort.

You’re Obsessed With Numbers

Counting calories and weigh-ins are helpful weight-loss tools, but if they become constant and make you feel anxious about food, you can get orthorexia, an eating disorder categorized by an obsession with being healthy.

It’s Disrupting Your Life

If you find yourself not attending special occasions like birthday parties or happy hours because you’re afraid you’ll consume junk food, it’s a sign of disordered eating.