5 Things to Consider When Preparing For a Long Hike

Hiking is a great way to combine tests of physical endurance with the great outdoors. You can leave your worries behind and immerse yourself in the wonders of nature. However, there are things that can go wrong. Here are five things to consider when preparing for a hike to help ensure a stress-free experience.

Water Supply

It might seem obvious, but it has to be said that water is an essential resource in any hiker’s inventory. Whether it is cold or hot, water has to be a priority to keep you hydrated. The best way is to bring a water bottle or hydration bag that you can gradually sip on throughout the day.

First-Aid Kit

With an adequate water supply taken care of, the next thing to consider is bringing a first-aid kit. This should include blister treatment, bandages, antiseptic ointment, and any special medications that you and your companions might need.


Clothing and Rain Protection

When preparing for a hike, it’s important that you find the right clothing. There’s nothing more frustrating and potentially dangerous than trudging in the sun in a fur coat or being soaked through to the skin. If the weather is changeable, bring a mix of spare clothes to accommodate your environment.

Navigation Tools

A key component of the hiker’s inventory is a map, compass, or GPS device. When pursuing a hiking trail, it’s crucial that you know where you are, where you’re going, and how to find any emergency exits if the going gets a bit tough.


The last thing to consider for a stress-free hike is bringing enough food. Hiking is a good workout and it uses a lot of energy. It’s essential that you have an adequate supply of food to replenish your energy stores throughout the day.
