It’s that time of the year when we all want to try exciting new winter sports, and skiing is one of the top choices. No matter how effortless it may seem when you look at other people doing it, this sport takes a lot of practice and patience. Here’s five things you should know before giving it a try.
Early Bird
If you actually want to commit to this hobby during your winter vacation, be ready to get up pretty early because lessons usually start first thing in the morning.
Getting in Shape
You don’t need to be a professional athlete to give skiing a try, but you won’t excel in it if you haven’t hit the gym in forever.
Falling Over
There’s no nice way to put this – if you don’t know how to take a fall, skiing isn’t a sport for you because falling happens to be a crucial part of learning.
Skin Protection
If you think it’s impossible to get sunburns on a mountain in the middle of winter – think again!
Right Equipment
Don’t be tempted to buy your own equipment the first time around, since you can easily rent everything you need. Just make sure to wear comfortable shoes, dress in layers and never forget a hamlet.