5 Veggies You Should Add to Your Healthy Diet This Spring

Photo by Adolfo Félix on Unsplash

Spring is the perfect time to harvest types of veggies that enjoy cool temperatures and simply thrive during this season. These five can do wonders for your health and it’s easy to find them at your local farmers’ market this time of year.


Peas come in many different shapes in sizes, but they all have a couple of things in common. They are excellent source of iron, protein and vitamin C, and it’s best to start growing them in the spring.


Spinach is one of the healthiest superfoods on the market, and it should be one of your spring menu essentials since it’s literally everywhere this season.


Kale is another leafy green that can be easily grown during springtime, and you should give it a try since it’s packed with more vitamins and minerals than we can count.


Eating asparagus will help you maintain healthy bones and cardiovascular system. This healthy veggie is usually harvested from March through June, and it’s best to eat it while in season.


Radishes pack a healthy dose of vitamin C and can be bought all year-long at big supermarkets, but they taste the best during springtime.