5 Ways to Practice Self-compassion

Part of leading a healthy lifestyle is being kind with yourself and it’s more important now than ever during the coronavirus. Self compassion is all about treating yourself the way you’d treat someone else. Treating yourself better can make it easier to reach your health and fitness goals. Here’s how to practice self-compassion.

Spend Time in Nature

Although you may not be able to spend as much time outside as you’d hope to, going outside has so many health benefits. If you can’t go outside, listen to nature sounds like rainstorms or ocean waves, or look at pictures of nature.

Pause Your Weight-Loss Goal

Instead of focusing on reaching a number, focus on exercises you enjoy or other ways to be active. Be realistic and realize that everyone’s life has drastically changed during this pandemic and gaining a couple of pounds isn’t the end of the world.

Limit News and Social Media Consumption

Take some time to yourself and unplug from your social media. All of the bad news and uncertainty is extremely stressful and overwhelming.

Indulge in Foods

With all the extra time you’re spending at home, use the time to prepare tastier and more indulgent foods that you usually don’t partake in. Eating mindfully will allow you to enjoy the food more than you usually would.

Start Mobility Exercises

Use this time to work on your range of motion. During this time when you’re sitting more, it’s best to get on the floor and do mobility exercise.