Amazing Benefits of Stair Climbing That Never Crossed Your Mind

Most people find stair climbing excruciating, but it’s actually a great way to burn some major calories and tone muscles. If you still haven’t made stair climbing an essential part of your outdoor workouts, here’s a couple of reasons why you should.

Great Cardio

If you find running too boring or simply want to shake things up, stair climbing is a great alternative. It’s one of the best cardio exercises out there, and a great way to maintain a healthy weight since you can burn a lot of calories while climbing the stairs.

Full Body Workout

If you hate doing squats, stair climbing is the best way to keep your glutes in great shape, but it’s also amazing for other muscle groups. In addition to toning your lower body, this activity can do wonders for your core, as long as you don’t use handrails along the way.

Low-Impact Activity

Star climbing is often described as a low-cardio exercise because it doesn’t put as much pressure on your joints like some other cardio activities. If you’re dealing with ankle or knee pain after your running adventures, this activity is a great alternative.

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I think it's important to push ourselves. It's so easy to get stuck doing the same thing day after day. Achieving goals, making new #goals & improving on your fitness level, however, can make you feel proud & confident. 🦚 ♡ During my daily walk/run I would always pass by a park w/ stairs. Because I wanted to keep improving my fitness level, I decided to start stair training. This exercise focused on my lower body & core strength. 🦵 ♡ Stair climbing is not easy; it's hard work (& you sweat like cRaZy), 🥵 but the strenuous effort put in provides so many benefits. ☆ Endorphin Rush🌪 ☆ Cardiovascular Endurance = Heart & Lungs will work more efficiently = You'll live longer! 💓 ☆ Muscle Tone. Targeted workout for your lower body: glutes, thighs, hips & abdominals; all areas where *women* especially tend to accumulate body fat. 🤷🏼‍♀️ ☆ Balance & Coordination ⚖ ☆ Core Strength. 🎯 ☆ Bone strength. 🦴 ☆ Efficient calorie burner; burns body fat! 🔥 ⚠️Just be careful coming down the stairs if you have bad knees.⚠️ Climbing stairs added variety to my daily walk/run & pushups, & after a few weeks, I started feeling a difference in my legs & my stomach. Both areas felt so much stronger!💪 ♡ Obviously having #strong legs is important for running, but why should it matter if you have a strong core? ♡ Having a strong mid-section helps w/ really everything we do in life, but w/ regards to running, it helps with posture. We all know posture is important, right? I'm sure each of you can remember your mother telling you to sit/stand straight at some point growing up. Good posture is very important when running. It prevents injury, increases running efficiency & is simply more comfortable. ♡ Stair training helped both my lower body & #core strength, which in turn aided in better overall running.✌ ♡ Who out there climbs stairs? Comment below. ⬇️ ❤Jaclyn XOXO 💋 . . . . . #stairworkout #stairclimber #stairclimbing #stairs #run #runnersofinstagram #running #rungirlrun #runrunrun #workout #exercise #getfitforlife #outdoorfitness #myjourneytofit #workoutoutfit #fitfamily #fitfam #myjourneytohealth #india #gujarat #healthylifestyle #workoutdaily #gujarati #gujjugram #ww #mbf #fit

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