Avoid Eating These Foods Pre Workout

Being mindful of what you eat before exercising will help you perform better and longer at the gym. It can also increase the amount of time you perform your cardio, since your stomach won’t be fighting to burn off too many calories. Before working out, eating a well-balanced meal is important as well as choosing the right ingredients for you so that you can exercise at your best without worrying about the side-effects of the foods you just ate.

Stray Away From Spice

Spicy foods are great for when you have colds to open up your nasal passages, but when you’re about to work out, it’s best to stay away from them. Foods that contain a high amount of chilis can upset your stomach and you definitely don’t want an upset stomach before hitting the gym.


Fizzy Drinks are a No-no

Fanta, Coca Cola, Pepsi, and Spite are all drinks that are overloaded with sugar. This isn’t a good choice for a pre-drink workout since it can sometimes leave you bloated. Not just that, but the amount of sugar is enough to keep your blood pumping – but with a crash at the end or even during your workout. Opt for a glass of lemon water or some freshly squeezed orange juice for vitamin c instead.

Skip the Hummus

Hummus is a great meal to eat post-workout since it’s loaded with protein and energy. Unfortunately, this isn’t the best bet to eat before a workout since it can leave you feeling slow and full. Opt for a small sandwich with a little bit of hummus and vegetables as your pre-workout food and reward yourself with a big bowl of hearty hummus after. Your body will thank you after!