Ballerina Patricia Zhou Teaches You Ballet Via YouTube

Image via patricia_zhou/Instagram

If you’re someone who has always dreamed of practicing ballet, but you never got a chance when you were little, perhaps it’s time to fulfill your childhood dream. You don’t need to find a ballet studio in your area and pay expensive fees to practice there; all you need is some free time and the Youtube videos by ballerina Patricia Zhou.

Zhou is a professional ballerina with Staatsballet and Royal Balet who has been sharing live ballet classes on Instagram and recently moved to Youtube. Her lessons are detailed and suitable for all levels, so you’ll definitely find videos that work for you. She will teach you everything you’ve always wanted to know about ballet—from terminology to holding the proper form.

Each of Zhou’s classes lasts for an hour and she releases a new one every week. All you need is a screen where you can watch her and some space to practice the moves yourself! Make sure to follow the classes in order if you want to see progress and have fun!

“Join me as we learn the basics of ballet at the barre,” she writes under one of the videos. “This is a series-based class in which I will try to teach you all of the details and coordination that it takes to be a ballet dancer! Let’s have some fun, but most importantly — let’s get sweaty!”