Basic Breathing Techniques Every Runner Should Master

Running may seem like the easiest physical activity in the world, but it actually comes with a long list of obstacles you have to overcome before becoming good at it. Staying out of breath is one of those obstacles. If you’re still struggling with it, practicing these two breathing techniques will help you improve your workout.

Deep Belly Breathing

This technique suggests you should breathe using your diaphragm, and not your chest like most of us often do. You can practice it by lying down and placing a hand on your stomach.

If you see can see your hand rising and falling as you inhale and exhale, it means you’re doing it right. Repeat this exercise before your runs, to remind yourself of how natural it feels.

Rhythmic Breathing

This technique suggests you should breathe in patterns as you take your strides. The most common variation of this exercise consists of inhaling for three steps and then exhaling for two.

The main goal of this technique is to start exhaling on the same foot strike every time, in order to avoid injury and make breathing more efficient. You can pick your own pattern based on your goal and after practicing it on a regular basis, it will come easily.