Be Your Own #FitFam Inspiration

Photo by Naassom Azevedo on Unsplash

Getting fit and staying fit is important for everyone, but it’s hard to stay on track alone. The best way to stay fit is to find a partner to hold you accountable. Better yet, involve your whole family! Not only will it be more fun, it will be one of those habits and memories that will last a lifetime for you and your kids.

These two families prove you can find ways to make exercise a family affair.

Morning Ritual

The Hopkins family found a way to make their mornings productive and fun. Working out doesn’t have to be solitary and boring or happen in a gym. Skip the coffee, grab the kids, and head out in the yard for some crazy and colorful cardio. What a great way to start the day.

Family Yoga

There are all kinds of exercises and sometimes you don’t have to move around much to stay fit and bond at the same time. This father/daughter team spend their fitness time in the yard doing yoga. Here they are practicing the crow pose. You may not move much holding poses, but they take a lot of strength. Such a good example of committment and health to set for your children.