Best Exercises for Wheelchair Users

Being in a wheelchair doesn’t have to mean you can’t work out. In fact, there are plenty of workouts you can do from your wheelchair that will make you strong, fit, and healthy. Here are some of the best for you to try.

Overhead Extensions

Raise a stick, weight, or medicine ball over your head and hold it there with both hands for around 20 seconds. Then bend your elbows and repeat for three sets.

Front Raises

Take a weight in each hand or a medicine ball in both and extend your arms straight out in front of you. Keeping your arms straight, lift them up and down 20 times. This will strengthen the muscles and ligaments around your shoulders.

Side Twists

Extend your arms out in front of you and turn your torso to one side and then the other side. Try to keep your shoulders parallel to each other. This will stretch your back and sides. If you like, you can hold a medicine ball in your hands to make this harder.

Keep Moving

One of the best ways to keep fit is to keep moving around in your wheelchair between exercises. Try to find enough space to move around in, maybe about 30 square feet.