Best Foods to Eat Before Running

Everyone needs that extra energy before working out or running, but the main question is how to get it. What you eat before running is extremely important. Food actually makes a high percentage of how you look. If you love running but you’re not quite sure what to eat before you head out, these simple ideas might help you a lot.


Oatmeal is great, but you have to make sure you have it 2 hours before the run. The reason is that is packed with complex carbs which slowly release the energy. It is also rich in fiber.

Greek Yogurt With Blueberries

Greek yogurt is super-delicious and gets even better when you combine it with blueberries. You won’t feel hungry anymore, plus you’ll get that boost of energy.


You can stick to cashews or opt for cashew butter and add it to a whole wheat toast. If you are snacking one hour before your run, this is a fast fix that delivers both carbs and a dose of protein.


Bananas are a great snack you can have right before you go out. They are not only full of carbs and potassium as well. This is the perfect combination for extra energy.–M55g_F_hPIbalDqjA4yAus