Best Ways to Make Your Resistance Bands Last For Longer

Resistance Band
Photo by Geert Pieters on Unsplash

Resistance bands are one of the most affordable pieces of workout equipment, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t treat them with care. Despite their delicate nature, resistance bands can last for long if you take proper care of them, and these three tips will teach you how.

Proper Storage

The place where you’re storing your resistance bands makes all the difference, and you should always opt for a cool and dry environment. Your bands could become brittle if they’re exposed to heat and direct sunlight, and their color will fade away over time.

Proper Clean-Up

You should clean up your resistance bands after each workout to prolong their life span. Don’t go overboard when cleaning up your bands because strong chemicals can damage their material, so you’re better off using a damp cloth to wipe them up. Also, remember to properly dry them before putting them in storage.

Right Pair

Picking the right pair will play an important role in prolonging the life span of your resistance bands. You should try to invest in thick, high-quality resistance bands because they usually last longer. If you have more than a single pair of bands, switch up between them because you’ll be putting less strain on each one this way.