Can Popcorn Be Good for Your Health?

When prepared right, popcorn is a healthy, low-calorie snack packed with many great things like B vitamins, magnesium, iron, and zinc. If you want to keep it that way and make it a part of your weight-loss diet, resist the urge to add butter and salt to it. This is the only way you can be sure that you’re not consuming too many calories and that you’re within your daily limit. Here are three things that make popcorn amazing for weight loss.

Low-Calorie Food

Without any additions, a cup of popcorn has only 30 calories. However, if you add butter to make it taste better, it’s easy to get to 150 or more calories per cup!

Packed with Fiber

When you want to lose weight, you need fiber-rich food and popcorn is a great choice. Fiber-rich foods help you eat less overall which means you’ll reach your goal faster.

Quick Snack

There’s no excuse to open a bag of chips when you can quickly make popcorn in an air-popper with no butter or other additions. It’s a quick snack you can prepare in a few minutes and enjoy a movie or a favorite show.