Core Exercises You Should Try Right Away

Everyone is rambling about your building core and how important it is. Probably everyone in the fitness world knows how to do the traditional plank, but here is a little help in the shape of a few core exercises that you probably haven’t tried yet.

Side Lunge with Rotation

Lunges are another extremely popular core exercise and there are many variations out there. Follow Morgan Henton on YouTube and she’ll show you how to do this hip mobility exercise with ease.

Toe Tap 

This exercise targets glutes, quads, hamstrings, and hip flexors. The LivestrongWoman YouTube channel has this great video that shows you how to do this exercise properly. 

Double Leg Strech

Challenge yourself with this amazing core exercise. The Howcast YouTube channel explains and shows you the right way to do double leg stretch exercise without compromising your posture.

Russian Twist

You will need to put a lot of straight into this move and hold on because the pressure is on your whole body. Practice it with Erin, a former US Junior Olympics certified swim coach and personal trainer that is helping you do it the right way on Howcast YouTube channel.