Easy Fitness Resolutions You Can Actually Follow Next Year

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If you want to make a list of fitness resolutions that you can actually stick to next year, these are our suggestions for realistic fitness goals.

Keep an exercise journal

Writing down your fitness goals and tracking your progress for a while can help you stick to your resolutions and make sure that they’re realistic. Keeping a journal can motivate you to work harder and help you make adjustments if necessary.

Make exercise more fun

The most common reason why people don’t stick to their resolutions is because they’re bored with their exercise routine. Find ways to make your workouts more fun and enjoyable by trying different exercises or sports, buying new equipment, or finding a workout buddy.

Move more in your daily life

One of the easiest resolutions you can make is to be more active next year. You don’t have to invest in a gym membership or do heavy workouts—just turn on your pedometer and try to walk more throughout the day.

Strength training

Strength training sounds harder than it actually is, and it’s extremely important for our health. Instead of sweating in a gym every day, you can find great strength workouts on YouTube and do them at home once or twice a week.