Easy Yoga Poses You Can Use to Start Your Day

Yoga poses
Photo by Katherine Hanlon on Unsplash

A little morning yoga can go a long way! Even just a few poses in the morning can help you get centered in your breath and body so that the rest of your day feels easier to manage. It can also help prevent tight muscles that come from sitting in front of a computer or standing in one place during work.

Bridge Pose

Bridge pose helps open your shoulders and chest, making your heart more open to receiving the day. It can also help stretch out your back and abs, which is useful for those who struggle with hunched posture. Finally, it helps strengthen your glutes, which is helpful for sitting for long periods.

Spinal Twist

A nice spinal twist can help activate your digestive system, waking up your metabolism and getting it ready to give you energy from your breakfast. It also helps with a stiff back and hips.


Cat-cow may seem like a beginner’s move, but it packs a bigger punch than it lets on. Specifically, because of the constant motion it requires, it can help you regulate and get in touch with your breathing (since you’ll want to arch on an inhale and flex on an exhale, or vice versa).