Effective Ab Exercises That Are Better Than Sit-Ups

Sit-ups are one of those basic exercises we all turn to when we want to get our abs in great shape, but there are actually much better alternatives. Give these three moves a try if you want to get an amazing six-pack in no time.

Russian Twist

While doing the Russian twist, you’re required to sit on the floor and elevate your upper body to create a V-shape with your thighs and back. You should lift your feet from the floor and keep your knees bent, and do the exercise by twisting your torso on the right side, before repeating the move to the left.


Just like sit-ups, planks are one of those exercises everyone knows, but they just happen to be much more effective because they’re the best way to build your whole core.

Dead Bugs

Don’t let the funny name fool you since this happens to be one of the rare ab exercises you can do without putting a strain on your back. After laying flat on your back, you’re supposed to bend your knees in a 90-degree angle. You’ll perform the exercise by extending your right arm and left leg away from you and repeating the move on the opposite side.