Fitness Documentaries to Watch on Netflix Right Now

Are you thinking about getting in shape, but need just a bit more time and motivation? It’s the perfect opportunity to watch these amazing fitness documentaries on Netflix! Below are three of the many available that we picked for you to start with, so pay close attention.

Through My Father’s Eyes

Through My Father’s Eyes tells the story of former Olympian Ronda Rousey, also the first woman to win the UFC championship. Rousey was born with the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck which caused a neurological speech disorder, so this is a story about survival, perseverance, and endless possibilities.

The Game Changers

You already know that you should eat your greens, but perhaps you need a reminder about how important they actually are. Famous athletes like martial artist Jackie Chan, bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger, and tennis player Novak Djokovic share the benefits they saw from switching to a plant-based diet.


Resurface is a film about veterans learning how to surf as a form of PTSF management. When you see a vet without both legs and one arm manage to catch a wave, you’ll realize there’s not a single thing that’s impossible for you.