Fitness Milestones Every Fit Person Should Reach

Woman working out at the gym
Photo by ŞULE MAKAROĞLU on Unsplash

For some people, it’s hard to stay motivated after they’ve been working out for a while, but creating a list of small goals is definitely a great trick to boost motivation. So how do you know what to do, and which goals to look out for? Here are some fitness milestones that every fit person should reach.

Taking Workout Recovery Seriously

Only after a month or two of regular workouts, you’ll be able to realize the true importance of workout recovery. Stretching, foam rolling, taking rest days, and a healthy diet are important aspects of every workout routine that will help you achieve your fitness goals.

Preparing Healthy Meals

Every fit person knows that eating healthy foods is just as important as working out. Cleaning up your diet and preparing your own healthy meals is a huge milestone for every person striving to get in shape.

Dropping Body Fat Percentage

Forget about your scale because once your body fat percentage drops, it’s time to celebrate! Your clothes are going to fit better by this moment and you’ll feel great!

Holding a Plank For a Minute

Bodyweight exercises are challenging and holding a plank for a full minute is certainly not easy. Achieving this goal is going to be tough, but once you manage to do it you can be sure that you’ve made real progress.