Getting Dressed For a Workout Increases Your Motivation

Motivation to work out comes from the most unexpected places, and one of them is so obvious it never crossed your mind. Putting on your exercise gear is an effective way to never miss a sweat session, and here’s how it will help you keep yourself accountable.

Visual Reminder

Switching your clothes is the perfect visual reminder you need that it’s time for your workout. Once you put your favorite leggings on, it will be too late to back out of your sweat session, since you’ve already done half of the job.

Dressing the Part

Research has shown that dressing a certain part can fuel your ambition to complete the task at hand. After your workout clothes are on, you’ll feel ready to conquer the world and have the best workout ever.

Being Prepared

If you tend to work out in the morning, prepare everything you need before going to sleep. Seeing your workout gear as soon as you wake up will make it harder for you to skip your workout because you can slip into it right away.