Got DOMS? Try These Home Remedies to Treat It

Photo by Alora Griffiths on Unsplash

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) is totally normal a day or two after your workout. It happens when there are microtears within the muscles that lead to inflammation over the first 24 to 48 hours following an intense workout. You’re more likely to experience DOMS when you do an exercise you haven’t done before or you increase your reps. So, how can you treat DOMS at home?

Ice and Heat

Ice and heat can help manage pain and take away some of the discomfort you’re experiencing. Research is divided over which is more effective, but we say you should use whatever works best for you.


While there have been studies that have shown that cherry juice, protein-rich chocolate milk, and turmeric can reduce muscle soreness, in general, it’s important to have a balanced diet with enough protein and carbs. Make sure you also are staying hydrated.

Active Recovery

Active recovery is one of the most effective ways to treat DOMS and it includes walking, cycling, light lifting, and stretching.

Foam Rolling

Foam rolling has also been shown to help with soreness because it increases blood flow to the muscles.


Make sure you’re getting enough sleep. Seven to eight hours per night will help reduce soreness from DOMS.